Chocolate Shop In Brooklyn That Allows Visitors To View The Chocolate-making Process

‘Mast Brothers’, chocolate makers from New York have reconstructed their store in Brooklyn to create a space that lets visitors see the chocolate-making process.

Covering 3000 square feet or 280 square meters, this minimal chocolate shop is located in the building that once served as a spice factory and today contains some small companies. The building itself is located in Williamsburg, a former industrial area that is now one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Brooklyn.

‘Mast Brothers’ was started in 2007 and is well known in NY for its excellent quality chocolate bars that are wrapped in original packaging. ‘Mast Brothers’ have also recently started selling non-alcoholic chocolate beer.

‘Mast Brothers’ are located in the current space since 2011 and wanted to upgrade the store to better reflect the brand. Also, they wanted the space to be visually similar to the store opened in Shoreditch, London earlier this year. Both projects were implemented by the company’s in-house designers.

Exposed brick walls were painted white, and concrete floors were resurfaced. Burlap bags of cocoa beans line a wall in the linear space. Designers fabricated 7 new display cubes made of wood-fiber panels. The designer’s team has also extended the retail space so that the customers can easily go to the production room and see the chocolate-making process.

Photography by Dean Kaufman