Compact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten

Compact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten

In collaboration with interior designer Roel van Norel, Zecc Architecten have completed this small recreation house near Utrecht, Netherlands. The house is built in a simple asymmetrical head design and has a cool facade with window shutters. Architects wanted to blend the cottage with the environment so they used natural materials such as stone slate for the gable roof and a wood cladding of Western Red Cedar for the facade. One side of the house is entirely covered with the same stone slates that were used for the roof. In order to control the sunlight, architects installed movable window shutters on the other side of the house. When shutters are closed, they merge with the cladding of the house and looks like a closed wall. The front of the house is fully glazed and is made to enjoy the views of the landscape. Inside, the whole space is divided into two sections – in the front there’s a kitchen, living and dining areas, and in the rear of the house, there’s a sleeping area. These sections can be separated with sliding panels. Also, there’s a small mezzanine above the sleeping area.

Compact Recreation House By Zecc ArchitectenCompact Recreation House By Zecc ArchitectenCompact Recreation House By Zecc ArchitectenCompact Recreation House By Zecc ArchitectenCompact Recreation House By Zecc ArchitectenRecreatiewoning De BiltRecreatiewoning De BiltRecreatiewoning De BiltCompact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten Compact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten Compact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten Compact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten Compact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten Recreatiewoning De BiltCompact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten Recreatiewoning De BiltRecreatiewoning De BiltRecreatiewoning De BiltRecreatiewoning De BiltCompact Recreation House By Zecc ArchitectenCompact Recreation House By Zecc ArchitectenCompact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten

Project by Zecc Architecten ( and Roel van Norel

Via Archdaily

Photos by Stijn Poelstra