Going White with Norm Architects

With a grey clouded outside, there comes the urge to stay in a place filled with lots of natural light and simply colored with the lightest white. Some don’t like their place to be as minimal as possible, with little color and not a lot of cozy corners. I can’ t be precise but I saw one architect, who said that minimal style is joy for the eye, but it’s not suited for living. I, personally, agree to this statement, because I feel the same way. White and neutral simplistic homes and apartments are the most pleasant for my aesthetic, yet I’m not sure If I would feel homely in these kinds of environments. I feel like you have to be a very strong persona in your character to be living in this type of space. Yet I know a few people, that not only would love living this way, but they already chose, and enjoy having, their home decorated in this interior style. As always you, readers and image viewers get to judge the images, but I wonder if you (me as well) keep thinking about, who lives in these perfect planned or slightly eccentric homes. I bet these are definitely not simple, grey and boring people. Take a look at the Vedbaek House IV designed by Norm. Architects and have your guess, or just simply, enjoy the minimal white interior space. Do you imagine yourself living in this type of interior? Would you dare to go bare?