How to Prepare Your Home for Winter

How to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Although it is almost time for Halloween parties, picking apples, and enjoying a pumpkin latte, you should not neglect the importance of making your home ready to face winter. Regardless of whether you’re a fan of winter or not, taking some time to do some maintenance will save you from the hassle that can be caused by snow and rain.

Nook Residence by MU Architecture Blends with Winter Landscape

Nook Residence by MU Architecture

It’s crucial to do the maintenance before the beginning of winter to protect you from bigger problems. There are many things you need to check before winter hits, so read on to find out how to make your home winter-ready.

Insulate Your Windows

A view from the window

A view from the window in SL Apartment by P|S Arquitetos

It’s extremely frustrating when freezing air penetrates through windows. Make sure you seal those leaks in your windows before winter comes. You can do so in various ways; you can use nail polish to cover any cracks, leaving it to dry, harden, and fill the crack. V-seal stripping is a great tool to cover cracks; all you need to do is to add it along the sides of the sashes, and you will never feel any drafts coming in. If your doors are drafty, v-seal stripping works wonders too.

Check the Roof

Neat roof

When you make roof repairs, you fix problems that can cause deterioration to your home structure. Look for loose or missing shingles that can result in leaking rainwater or melting snow. You can do this yourself or hire a professional if you are unable to do it on your own. Professionals will be able to detect other problems and find solutions for them. If you live in Texas, you can consider hiring a trusted roofing contractor; the experts at A-TEX Roofing and Remodeling in San Antonio explain that one should look for experienced and qualified contractors who can fix both commercial and residential roofs. You should look for roofing experts who offer long-term solutions and financing options.

Clean the Chimney

It is crucial to have your chimney inspected before you light a fire on a cold winter’s say. If you neglect cleaning and inspecting, you can face problems. Birds, squirrels, and bats tend to build their nests in chimneys in summer and spring, so if yours has a nest on top of it, the smoke will not be released, and it will come back down into your house, which will increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Trying to start a fire to burn the nests is a bad idea as it can result in a home fire if you are not careful. Make sure you hire a professional chimney sweep service to remove the nests and have all the necessary checks completed before you start using the fire.

A historic chimney breast

A historic chimney breast retained by Syte Architects

Winter lovers wait for this season impatiently, looking forward to pure white snow, long walks with hot drinks, and the stunning winter colors. Unfortunately, winter doesn’t always make everyone happy; it comes along with cold and snow that can cause a lot of trouble. Before the cold season comes – prepare your home and make it ready for winter. Use our expert tips to winterize your house completely.