Las Vegas Living: Tips to Turn Your Spare Room into an Office

With every country closing its borders and emptying its busy streets due to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID)-19, many people (especially those who were previously employed) are seriously considering working from home.

The same is true for workers in Las Vegas. Even without the call for a lockdown, the local government in Las Vegas has been strictly implementing safety measures like social distancing and reduced transit hours.

For residents who are trying to be extra cautious, working from home is one of the safest and soundest options. If you’re planning to move back to your home town from Las Vegas to be with your family during this most trying time, you can get help from moving services in Las Vegas to transport your belongings before you officially start working from home.

When you’re finally home, it’s time to convert that spare room into a fully-functional home office. One important thing to consider when trying to work from home is the possibility of encountering endless distractions. Even a comfortable and homey atmosphere can distract you from being productive.


If you add that to the noise from the kitchen, living room, garden, and playroom, you’re getting the perfect recipe for a work disaster. These distractions and noises can be mitigated if you have an enclosed and dedicated space in the house for working. A spare room is the perfect choice for your new home office.

Choose a comfortable desk and chair

Aside from your laptop or PC, the next best tools for those who want to work from home are a comfortable desk and chair. Choose a desk that complements the level of your chair. If you work on plates, designs, and other crafts aside from your regular computer job, make sure you have another table dedicated to those specialized tasks.


Aside from your desk, you should invest in a comfortable office chair that can support your lower back. If you need to work in front of your computer for long hours, make sure that your office chair won’t cause you any discomfort.

Make sure that your room is soundproof

One of the most challenging issues to address when you’re working from home with colleagues in different locations is the level of external noise you’ll hear. If you’re not taking calls or attending online meetings, this can be a lesser concern.

However, if you frequently hold Skype or Zoom video calls, you need to step up your game. You have to make sure that your new home office is soundproof. Fortunately, this is a pretty easy project to tackle.


With the use of sound insulators or acoustic foam panels, you can have a soundproof home office in a jiffy. If your budget won’t allow you to buy these additional room renovation materials, you can use old egg cartons. For added aesthetics and more soundproofing effects, you can use tapestries and thick blankets on your wall to augment the egg cartons.

Decorate your room

The downside of working at home, aside from the distractions, is the feeling of being confined. Since you don’t have any workmates that are sitting next to you, just like in an office setting, you might feel isolated.

If this feeling lingers for a long time, you might find yourself emotionally exhausted or depressed. To keep that from happening, you need to spice up your room with decor or motivational quotes hanging in strategic parts of the room.


You can invest in a small or medium-sized corkboard to use as your vision board. You can post your goals there so that you get reminded of them each time you enter the room.

This can give you enough motivation to push forward. If you’ve drastically changed your working environment and location, a motivation wall can also help you deal with the emotional impacts of such an environment and workplace shift.

The key in any room renovation project is for the owner to enjoy the said space. So, if there’s a picture you’ve been meaning to hang, hang it. If you want to repaint the room, repaint it with your favorite color.


Anything that can make you happy is most welcome to be added to your room design concept. The only hard and fast rule that will apply here is to do what brings you the most joy.