Pulling Out The Positive From The Negative

As I think, creativity will save the world, because creativity could beat daily problems and routine! So this article is about perfect daily problems beater – Norwegian designer Kristine Bjaadal. Her personal web page and her works whisper that she focuses on everyday life, and wants to make you notice all the hidden beauty that you normally don’t see in your surroundings – to turn your daily routines into rituals to appreciate. I love that she focuses on giving the user positive experiences over time.

Kristine Bjaadal tamed me, when i saw how she tackled embarrassing problem, which often occurs while drinking wine, coffee or something else with guests. Now splitting wine becomes quite funny incident, if You have at first sight plain white floral damask tablecloth “Underfull”, which actually, hides a pattern that is only to be revealed when wet. No, the idea is not super new, this prototype was created in 2009, but still it’s cool and surprising.

Another positive from negative turnover is about wear and tear. Now even chairs could have a second life. When plush velvet chair’s “Underskog” top layer is worn away then reveals a floral pattern underneath.