Vibrant And Playful Aesthetic in São Paulo

Dear magazine readers, how was Your vernal weekend? Mine was pretty purposeful because I struck up a virtual one-side acquaintance with wonderful Brazilian architect and designer Guilherme Torres. He is a perfectionist and his distinguishing feature of the work is quality. Guilherme is always investigating the limits of the materials that he works within his projects.

His portfolio is quite large, but this time, let’s have a virtual tour in 1970′s São Paulo house. In 2013, this house was transformed into a breezy, color-saturated contemporary home for a couple and their young children, who have lived in London for the past decade.

It took nearly six months for the architect, Guilherme Torres, to get to know the London based couple who’d contracted him in São Paulo. “All our meetings were via Skype, but their camera was never working, so I barely saw them throughout the whole process”, says the architect.

From the outside, the house looks like a modern concrete block, but the entrance arch decorated with mosaic tiles provides playfulness to the whole exterior.

In what was once an old, damp cellar, the architect created a living room surrounded by gardens and a swimming pool.

Furniture is perfectly matched, especially by colors. I am just in love with those pastel pink marshmallow looking mini sofas.

Custom design elements such as the dining-room table were designed by Torres and built-in concrete during the construction phase, contrasting the mosaic tile wall behind.


A large multicolor lacquer cabinet was the starting point for the whole project, traversing the rooms, organizing the circulation, and giving the house a unique atmosphere. From there, the design evolved into quirky accessories patterned tiles, and unique furniture pieces shipped in from Europe.

The multicolored cabinetry from the living room continues in the children’s rooms, reimagined as wall shelving and drawers. All of the colorful mid-century furniture pieces were chosen in London, then brought back to Brazil when the family finally came home.

For more adorable Guillherme Torres works go to his website