Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel

Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel

Cyclists know that storing your bike in a small apartment is a challenge. Especially, if you live in a studio apartment where bed, desk and a bookshelf is probably everything that you can have. But designer Manuel Rossel from Chile has a solution to this problem – furniture that doubles as a bicycle rack. He created bookcases, sideboards and a couch which also solves bike storing problem. As Manuel said to Fast Company: “People who drive lose all the benefits of physical activity. Biking also leads to economic savings and helps the decongestion and decontamination of cities.”. So, it is not only a furniture but also an encouragment for you to use bike more often.

Edit: as one of our Facebook friends said: “make sure the tires are clean!”

Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel Awesome Bike Furniture By Designer Manuel Rossel