Day vs. Night: Is There a Difference in the Cost of Electricity?

Day vs. Night: Is There a Difference in the Cost of Electricity?

Some people believe that reducing their energy consumption during the day and reserving it for the night might help them save money as the colder months approach.

To that end, would you benefit from being a night owl so that you could dry your clothes?

Is there a time during the day when electricity costs less? In other words, is electricity cheaper at night?

So, there is no clear answer; it depends on your electricity plan and whether or not off-peak pricing is in effect in the evening.

Does it matter which electricity plan you choose?

If you have a two-rate meter, use appliances like your washing machine and tumble dryer between midnight and 7 am when prices are lower. This is because some two-rate meters will charge a lower rate for electricity consumption during off-peak hours when demand is lower across the board.

However, most energy providers charge a flat rate, meaning that, for the vast majority of homes, the cost of electricity is the same regardless of when it is used. So, you may spend more than you expect because many two-rate tariffs have higher daytime rates.

In addition, since electricity costs continue to rise, several of these tariffs have increased in price or have been discontinued altogether. If you need clarification on the type of plan you’re on with your energy provider, you should give them a call.

How long does the off-peak period last?

The term “off-peak” refers to any time of the day when it is not common for people to use their household appliances. Off-peak times are often between 10 pm and 7 am, but this can vary by service provider. We suggest you contact your service provider to find out when they have slower service available to you.

Behind the Scenes at UK Power Suppliers

The UK has a total of 28 million households, and its electricity consumption is about 27.5 terawatt-hours per month.

The UK’s electric companies are responsible for electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and supply. They also have to ensure enough power to meet demand at all times.

They use a range of power stations, including coal-fired plants, gas-fired plants, nuclear plants, and wind farms.

How to Choose the Best Electricity Deal for Your Home or Business

Choosing the right electricity deal for your home or business in the UK can take time and effort. There are numerous factors to consider, and plenty of companies offer different deals.

So, how do you choose?

  1. The first thing you ought to figure out is what type of electricity deal you need. Do you need a long-term contract, a short-term contract, or a pay-as-you-go? Think about your needs and how much money you have to spend on monthly electricity.
  2. Next, compare the deals different companies offer and determine which suits your needs best. You can use comparison websites or speak with an advisor from each company.
  3. Finally, pick the company that provides the best deal for you!

The Importance of Knowing Day vs. Night Rates

In the UK, electricity is charged at a different rate at different times of the day and night. This difference in rates is called “time of use” pricing. The price changes are designed to encourage consumers to use electricity when it is cheaper and less expensive to produce, usually during nighttime.

How do electricity costs vary between day vs. night?

The electric company you belong to might not seem like the cheapest option for energy, but it has its perks. It is always on when you need it and doesn’t require much maintenance.

However, the cost of electricity from your utility company can vary depending on the time of day.

How electricity costs may fluctuate throughout the day:

  • Peak hours are usually during the morning and evening rush hours, which makes them more expensive than off-peak hours, which happen either during the early hours of the morning when people are busy getting ready for work, or when they’re busy preparing a meal at home.
  • Commercial customers also have different rates than residential customers because commercial companies use a lot more power than residential homes do.


During an energy price crisis, no one wants to pay more for electricity than they have to. It is best to establish whether running your appliances during the day or at night is cheaper. Companies like Utility Bidder make it easier to understand what electricity package or deal is best for you.