How To Choose The Right Shed For Your Backyard Space

Having a garden shed in your backyard is an excellent way to utilize your space and add more functionality to your property. Depending on your interests and lifestyle, you can use your garden shed as a storage area or a workstation. You own your garden shed, so you have the liberty to do anything with it.

There are some great garden sheds available in the market today. Regardless of where you live right now, you’ll surely have access to a handful of options. To help you choose the right shed for your backyard space, consider the tips below:

Decide How You’re Going To Use Your Shed

Before looking for garden sheds online or in your area, determine how you’re going to use them first. Deciding how you’re going to use your shed is one of the easiest ways of narrowing down your search. For example, if you’re planning to use your shed as a workstation, you should buy one that supports shelving and storage. It should also accommodate a large bench and still have enough room for you to move around with ease.

Determine What Items The Shed Will Hold

You can never come up with a dimension for your shed unless you know what items you will put in there. Buying a shed with the sole purpose of storing your lawnmower only to find out later on that the space isn’t enough for the machine is a waste of time and money. To ensure that this will not happen, determine what items will be placed inside the shed. If you’re planning to use it for bulky items such as an ATV or motorcycle, make sure that your shed is at least 12 feet by 10 feet. Items such as garden tools and sports equipment might be small, but these take up a lot of space.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to allow space for yourself. You don’t want to use a shed that is too cramped for you to roam around. How else are you going to look for your tools if you can’t even fit in the shed?

Consider Having Room For Growth

How you’re using your shed right now might be different from how you’re going to use it in the future. Sure, you might be interested in cycling today but have you considered what your hobbies will be in the future? How about your kids’? For you to utilize your garden shed longer, consider having room for growth. This means that you should buy a garden shed that can be stretched horizontally or vertically. If possible, don’t buy a shed with a standard size. If your budget allows it, always buy a shed that is bigger than what you actually need.

Check The Size And Aesthetics Of Your Yard

There’s nothing really wrong if you want to have a shed that’s as big as a palace, but the real question is, does it actually fit in your yard? Will the people outside have enough room to move into your yard once the shed is built? As a general rule, consider having a 12 foot by 12 foot shed when you have a large yard or an 8 foot by 10-foot shed if your yard is smaller. Aside from the building itself, consider the foundation as well. Remember that the foundation of your shed should be at least one foot larger than the shed on all sides. You should also consider adding more space if your yard is near property lines, floodplains, or roads.

The aesthetics of where you’re going to place the shed should also be considered. If you’re planning to have a large shed, set it towards the back of your home so it won’t compete with your house. Don’t forget about the landscaping and other features of your yard as well. Are you going to place the shed in between two tall trees? Will the shed complement your other exterior decorations? The shed you use should be appropriate to your existing yard layout, and not the other way around. Adjusting your yard layout just because you’re building a shed can be expensive and stressful.

Ask For Professional Help

For you to make the most of your garden shed, regularly clean it and check if it needs any repairs or replacements. Call for professionals to repair or replace parts of your garden shed whenever needed. Regular maintenance is vital for your shed to last for the longest time possible.