When Is the Right Time to Do a House Makeover

When Is the Right Time to Do a House Makeover

Doing a home makeover is something many people dream of, but few do. Performing a home makeover can be a lot of fun and can give you creative license as to what you do with your home, allowing you to put your personal touch on it. This page hopes to tell you when it is the right time to do a home makeover, and how you can make it happen.

Renovation of a single-story dwelling in inner-city Newtown

Renovation of a single-story dwelling by Amrish Maharaj

It is important that whenever you are having work done on your home that you hire trusted tradespeople and avoid cowboy builders as best you can. Cowboy builders are unscrupulous traders who will not renovate your home properly and will likely cut very many corners if they even manage to finish the job at all.

When is the right time to do a house makeover, you ask? Look no further than here…

1.  Restoration or reparation

A bright renovated apartment in Lisbon By STC Arquitetura

A bright renovated apartment in Lisbon By STC Arquitetura

There are times when, unfortunately, you have no other choice but to spend excessive amounts of money having parts of your home repaired. It is during these times that it may also be a good idea to perform a home makeover. For example, if your roof has begun to deteriorate and you have to restore it, repainting your home and replacing your gutters may also be a good idea. The professional roofing services at roofrepairquote.com.au/roof-restoration/ say that your roof should last you around fifteen-years. If you have just moved into a home and the roof was last repaired fifteen-years before your arrival, it may be better to replace the roof, and as aforementioned, repaint the entire house and change the guttering. It is in times of restoration that it is often best to perform a home makeover, so the next time your hand is forced into a renovation, consider going a little bit further and performing a full makeover.

2.  When finances allow

Performing a home makeover can suck up a lot of money and can leave you massively out of pocket. When you are hoping to complete a home makeover, make sure you can financially support your renovation aspirations. Going into a home makeover with little to no money can hinder your progress when work begins to take place. You should save up as much as you can and make sure you are in a financially stable position before venturing into a home renovation.

A duplex renovation by Foomann Architects

A duplex renovation by Foomann Architects

When you perform a home makeover and do not have the money, you risk affecting your life and the lives of your family massively. Some people have very poor impulse control and blindly go into projects like home makeovers without thinking about the consequences it may have on their lifestyle if they spend all of their savings. Give it serious consideration and consult your partner before you decide on a home makeover. Try to have it performed for as little as possible, also. Do not, of course, compromise on materials, but where you can fit things yourself and skip paying a contractor, do it yourself.

3.  Choose the season

15th Century Italian Villa Renovation by CMT Architects

15th-century Italian villa renovation by CMT Architects

Performing a home renovation in the middle of winter is probably a bad idea. Summer, however, is the best time for home renovation; you and your family are likely to be out of the house, the weather will be stable, meaning you can have contractors in and out and can leave doors and windows open to let the paint settle and chemicals dry, and you will have more hours of sunlight to perform renovations and restorations. It is without a shadow of a doubt better to have your home renovated in the summer months.

4.  Holiday makeover

Original Wooden Flooring Was Restored In This 19th Century Apartment

19th-century apartment renovation by Rar Studio

Following on from the last point, if you have children, it is best you have renovations performed during their school holidays. If you have the renovations performed while they are at school, you will have to keep stopping to go and pick them up and drop them off; the best way would be to have them stay with a relative during their holidays and until the renovation project is completed. Performing renovations during the school term can be a massive headache and can hinder your progress.

5.  During weekends

You should undertake a home makeover when you are not required to work. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are working from home, but working from home and having a makeover performed will not work. If you are working, you may be able to perform renovations on weekends. You should only have a home makeover performed when you have time off of work to warrant it.

An Old Farmhouse Transformed Into An Art Studio And Gallery In Mallorca 3

An old farmhouse transformed into an art studio by Munarq Architects

Now you know the best times to perform home makeovers. We spend a significant chunk of our lives at home, so it is important that our homes are comfortable and designed to our specifications.