7 Essential Things to Buy First for Your New Home

7 Essential Things to Buy First for Your New Home

Moving to your new house is the next big change in your life that you definitely don’t want to approach unprepared. The list of supplies you might need to move in comfortably can be quite long, as you want to be ready for all possible circumstances. Fortunately, there are many checklists with need-to-buy ideas for your new house available online.

To make your moving period stress-free, we’ve created a little list of the seven essential things you might want to purchase for your newly bought home. Some of these ideas might be surprising but useful. Continue reading to find out more.

1. Cleaning Supplies

New sponges, brooms, and a dustpan are just a couple of things you need to keep your new home neat. Especially at the beginning, there might be a lot of dust in your place. Why is it so crucial to clean your abode thoroughly? ‘What you may not know is that dust is a combination of very fine particles that include dead skin cells, mold spores, pollen, pet dander, fibers, hair, and more.’ say specialists from Home Air Guides. They share their knowledge online about indoor air quality since 2015.

The cost of cleaning supplies can be high, especially when you need to clean the whole house. Where can you find more budget-friendly alternatives? Try to make cleaners on your own. Baking soda and lemon juice can do wonders! In that way, you will not only save some money but also avoid the synthetic and irritable smell.

See Also: How To Clean Floor Grout Without Scrubbing

2. Plunger

water faucet and alluminum sink 7 Essential Things to Buy First for Your New Home

‘Your bathroom is an essential part of your home. That’s why it’s important to make sure the plumbing system is working properly. Even a seemingly minor problem, like a leaky faucet, could result in major damage or expenses down the line if you don’t address it quickly’ — this is the opinion of experts from Perfect Home Services. That is why you want to equip your home with a plunger to react as fast as possible in case of any plumbing problems.

See Also: 5 Most Common Plumbing Emergencies

3. Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

The moment of getting your own keys can be blissful, but don’t forget about the responsibility that comes along with ownership, which is assuring the home dwellers with safety. One of the first aspects you want to take care of is fire prevention. Install operational smoke detectors in the most endangered places. You can upgrade your device with a CO detector feature to avoid additional life threats.

4. Welcome Mat

personalized doormat 7 Essential Things to Buy First for Your New Home

Personalized doormat

The welcome mat in front of your doors can show off your personality in addition to keeping dirt, mud, and other detritus from crossing the threshold. Go on and choose your doormat! But keep in mind that this item can also be unsafe as you can slip or trip because of it. Secure all your rugs with pads to avoid those unpleasant situations.

5. Blinds

Either of the privacy or lighting reasons, blinds are a must. Natural light is wonderful, and it is crucial to get as much of it as possible. But you also want to avoid awkward situations, including your neighbors staring at you through the window. For this reason, investing in curtains and hanging them properly in your new home should be on the top of your to-do list.

See Also: Types of Blinds You Can Easily Install

6. New Locks

The possibility of someone having keys to your new home is high when you are not the first owner. The most efficient way to solve this issue is to swap out your current door lock for a brand new one. You can also look for more advanced options such as an electronic keyless lock to reduce the number of keys for your new house.

7. Tool Kit

You might want to invest in a proper tool kit for your new home so that making all the adjustments in your abode is more enjoyable. It might not be the best idea to borrow tools constantly from your neighbor every time something breaks. These purchases will serve you for long years and always come in handy in case of a leaking faucet.

8. Home Internet Service From Day 1

You need to have internet at home the moment you move – you never know if you’ll need to research local contractors, order dinner, schedule a visit from 1-800-Got-Junk or something else along those lines. If you are moving locally, you can probably transfer your internet service to your new address. But if you are moving far away, you’ll need to plan ahead. If you are moving to a more remote area, you may even need to find a fixed wireless internet service provider that can deliver decent speeds without charging a fortune.

The Bottom Line

Moving to your new house should be a joyful, exciting experience. Sometimes, however, it might also get stressful and complicated. Once you have purchased the essentials from our list, you will feel much more prepared for all the home challenges that await you. Try to buy smart — look for some compelling upgrades of the necessary things you purchase, as they can immensely simplify your life.

It can be a pretty stressful time when it comes to finances and sticking to the budget. Don’t worry! You can DIY some of the essentials. In that way, you can always save some money and have fun with it. We hope you’ve found this article helpful, and you feel ready and motivated to stock up your new house with all the essentials.